Bladder Physiotherapy in Colchester, Essex
Are you in need of bladder physiotherapy in Colchester, Essex to resolve your bladder problems? Here at Bodyworks Physiotherapy, we have got you covered with our years of experience and specialist training. As a conservative estimate there are around 14 million people in the UK today with some form of bladder problem. However many often tolerate these problems for years, either too embarrassed to seek help or unaware that there are treatments available. There are many different types of bladder issues; all of which can be treated with our treatment of physiotherapy for bladder control in Colchester, Essex. The most common problems faced by our clients are stress urinary incontinence, overactive bladder (OAB), nocturia, and bed wetting or nocturnal enuresis. Typically, treatment for these issues will include pelvic floor muscle exercises, bladder training, fluid advice, and anything else your expert physiotherapist deems necessary.

Physiotherapy For Bladder Control in Colchester, Essex
Depending on the problem itself, the cause can be as a result of a variety of different factors. Stress urinary incontinence is typically due to weakened pelvic floor muscles from childbirth, menopause, or chronic coughing whereas OAB can develop following a urinary infection, cystitis, or diabetes. Bed wetting is more common in children than adults but can be down to a number of reasons including deep sleep, runs in the family, constipation, or emotional distress. If you are unsure on what could be causing you to experience any of these issues, Bodyworks Physiotherapy has got the solution for you with the leading bladder physiotherapy in Colchester, Essex - get in touch today!
Stress Urinary Incontinence
This is leakage of urine when you cough, sneeze, jump, exercise etc. 1 in 3 women experience Women’s Health problems during their lifetime. As a conservative estimate there are around 14 million people in the UK today with some form of bladder problem. However many tolerate these problems, often for years, either too embarrassed to seek help or unaware that there are treatments available. Children can suffer with bladder related problems too.
The cause of stress incontinence is usually weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. When you then increase the pressure on to the bladder it cannot close off properly and you will leak urine. This can be as a result of childbirth, chronic coughs, being overweight and the menopause.
Treatment Includes:
Pelvic floor muscle exercises
Core stability exercises (Pilates)
Real-time ultrasound for assessment and biofeedback
Electrical muscle stimulation if needed
Vaginal cones if needed
Do you go to the toilet more than 6-8 times in a 24 hour period? This may be associated with an urgent sensation of needing to go.
It is important to look at the underlying cause of the proble. It may be due to urgency, weak pelvic floor muscles, a urinary infection, interstitial cystitis or diabetes.
Treatment Includes:
Pelvic floor muscle exercises
Bladder training
Fluid advice
Urine sample testing if necessary
Urgency / OAB
This is also known as Overactive Bladder or OAB. This is where you may get a very sudden urge to go to the toilet due to involuntary contraction of the bladder muascle. This can also be associated with bladder leakage if you do not get there in time.
Overactive bladder is primarily a problem of the nerves and muscles of the bladder that cause early contraction during the normal relaxation phase of bladder filling. The contraction and relaxation of the bladder muscle is controlled by our nervous system. Approximately 300 mls of urine in the bladder can alert the nervous system to trigger muscles of the bladder to initiate urination.
Voluntary control of the sphincter muscles at the opening of the bladder can hold the urine in the bladder for longer.
Up to 500-550 mls of urine can be contained in a normal adult bladder. For those with OAB, the bladder capacity is typically low sometimes less than 200 mls.
Causes of OAB include bladder infections, some fluids we drink (caffeine), and sometimes not drinking enough fluids, causing the urine to become very concentrated, and then this acts as a bladder irritant.
Treatment Includes:
Bladder training
Lifestyle changes including fluid advice
Pelvic floor muscle exercises
It is not seen as abnormal if you need to get up once in the night. Anything more than once though is not normal. As we get older this may become more of an issue as our kidneys become more active at night.
However, if you are waking for another reason and you routinely get up to empty your bladder you will find that eventually it is your bladder that is waking you as it has become a habit.
Treatment Includes:
Bladder training
Lifestyle changes including fluid advice
Pelvic floor muscle exercises

Bed Wetting - Nocturnal Enuresis
This can happen to adults but is most common with children. This is a fairly common problem anyway with very young children and they mostly grow out of it.
There is often no obvious reason why children wet the bed, but it could be because:-
Your child produces more urine than their bladder can cope with
Has an overactive bladder
Is a very deep sleeper, so they do not wake up when the signals notify the brain their bladder is full
Bedwetting often runs in families
Constipation is a very strong link with bedwetting. Sometimes treating constipation is all that's needed to treat bedwetting.
Occasionally, bedwetting may be triggered by emotional distress, such as being bullied or moving to a new school
Treatment Includes:
Bladder training
Fluid advice
Bowel advice if constipation is an issue